aBOUt robin campbell
Robin Campbell was brought up in Pembroke Dock but doesn't regret it. He went to Llanion Primary School, where he learnt the basics of cussing and blasphemy, and Bush Grammar, where the headmaster warned about the dangers of climbing drainpipes higher than 1000 feet above sea level, and of having sex with other species other than our own. One of his happiest childhood memories is the visit to the dentist, who stubbornly refused to give an anaesthetic before he drilled into your teeth, be it gas, electricity or the paraffin drip. 'Good preparation for playing rugby,' he called it. No coincidence that his 'surgery' was next door to the torture chamber of the castle.
He now lives in Swansea and has written a history of horseracing in the town, 'All Bets Are Off', and a series of songs and stories based on real events in Victorian Swansea, 'A Swansea Riot / Terfysg Abertawe.' He has also written three novels - 'A Better Hole,' based very loosely on his upbringing in the Dock, 'The Moonlit Mr Spring' published by Cambria Publishing, and 'The Message,' which will be published later this year providing the pigeon gets through. He is at present working on a cure for flatulence.